One Quick thing I would like to say before I go on is the Olympics
over the summer what a fantastic showcase, working at a hotel next to an
Airport close to London I was privileged to meet a lot of the volunteers and
even some of the Olympians and they were very inspirational one lady in particular
stays with me her name was Jessy she was from Australia and had come over to
the UK to help volunteer during the Games she was fantastic and if all were
like her then we truly hosted the best games ever…..
Well down on the allotment its been all go, last year was my first year as an allotment holder and I thought that was hard work due to the lack of rain all year, but this year has been even harder, rain rain and more rain most of the summer then nothing until today has made most crops struggle.
Take my tomatoes I only had my first ripe tomato 2 weeks ago and as for the cabbages and cauliflowers down the plot they just didn’t get going.
There has been some good stories though my green beans that were on the verge of disaster have produced a MASSIVE BUMPER crop and they are delicious and the pumpkins & squash have just run riot and have taken over the plot!
I dug up my main crop spuds over the weekend and I was a little disappointed but pleasantly surprised in the same breath. My santé that I grew with great results last year were a disaster this year but here are the results
Ryecroft purple
Lady Balfour
only had 5 seed potatoes left over after the frosts got to them so not a bad
result all the potatoes were good size and no real scabs or evidence of any
Lady Balfour: the last minute crop saves the day I only brought these as I lost so many due to the frosts in Feb and what a crop really good size the only down fall was they had a bit of wireworm so I lost about 6kg due to that so it would have been over 20kg if there were none.
Have a great week readers…………..
Don’t forget to check out my Facebook page for more pictures
and you can also follow me on twitter@plot58