Monday, 4 March 2013

A year in the planning…

It’s been a week since my last visit to the plot, and today I started a Project IMG_0891that has been a year in the making, like I have said before my Parent’s work in a factory where they dispose of lots of wood (it goes off to be re-cycled) but they are able to take it home with permission of cause, I have asked them to gather some timber for me to use as posts for my plot I needed 50 posts in total I knew they would take a while to get them and time was running out as they are both retiring this year. So after 11 months of collecting I final had them all, painted and ready to go. The plan is to put 6 posts on each bed so if I need to cover the bed to protect it all I need to do is put the netting over it and job done! This way no matter what needs protecting I just need to put the net over it no making supports with canes that last 5 minutes and need redoing and also with crop rotation the post are they if needed or not. IMG_0889I managed to get 2 beds done today, with help from my Father. My Parents are planning on helping me out this year a bit more as they will be both retired that way if things need a quick water they are on hand. I managed this week also to get my leaf mould sieved and ready to use it was my first attempt and making leaf mould last year and I am really pleased with the results I managed to get about 10lts from it I have put all my leaves from the garden again this year so hopefully have more this time next year.IMG_0884 I also sowed my fist lot of seeds today, I sowed some tomatoes, Yellow pear and Alice Craig I plan to sow 1 more variety but going to leave that till mid-March I also sowed some Celeriac, Cabbage, Chives and some long Red Peppers I got from a Reader of my blog (thanks Helen) after sowing today I really feel as though the new season has begun. IMG_0881          IMG_0882 Thanks for reading…


  1. THose posts sound like a good idea - ideal when you have a free timber supply but expensive if not!

    1. Yes i have Been Very lucky with regards timber for my plot its all been free. but not for much longer....

  2. Yes, I would also like to have a set of posts like that for my raised beds! At present I use a set of flexible plastic poles that can be bent into a semi-circle, and secured in the ground at each end, as a means of supporting a net. It's OK, but only suitable for low-growing plants. I would like something bigger.

  3. How clever, that is a really efficient way of doing it! Lucky to have access to the timber too!:)

    Good luck for the growing season. I'm so excited that sowing has already begun! :)

  4. Great idea if you can get free wood, it should save you lots of time when things need covering. Good luck with your seeds, hope they don't take too long to germinate. It's always exciting seeing the first seedling of the year poking through the compost.

    1. You know your truly into the season when the first seeds start to show

  5. Glad to hear you have started sowing seeds,hope you got the Italian pepper seeds I sent you

  6. Good idea with the posts around the beds. I need to get some sort of cover around my fruit bushes this year and also over my grape vines which are growing over the roof of my shed, that could be a tricky one.

    1. Jelouse you have grapes at your plot not allowed them on my plot! No idea why??

  7. That is a good idea for the posts. It will save a lot of fiddling around with other structures. I plan to start some sowing this weekend, managed to hold off till now.

    1. I held off for as long as I could but had to get cracking
