Tuesday, 27 December 2011

You win some you lose some!

Well December has been a bit of a blur for me, what with work. So haven’t really had much time if any to go down the plot. So today I managed to get a few hours to go (actually it was to give my new Dirt Boot willies a road test!).
Everything was looking good the cavalo Nero was looking amazing and the celeriac was nice and fat, so when I saw the state of my Brussels sprouts I was a little disappointed. Firstly they were ABSOLUTLY covered in white fly; I have never seen anything like it! Secondly they had not formed nice little balls they were more like sprout flowers and thirdly they smelt odd! Wasn’t too sure why they had turned out so poor? I have them a rally good start with some lime and crushed egg shell for potassium, and were looking really healthy back in November, it’s funny how things can just turn.
In fact this year I haven’t had really any meaningful success with any form of brassica other than my early white cabbages everything else has been poor my sprouting broccoli well they have just grown and grown and showed no sign of “sprouting” and my winter cabbages were attacked whitefly.  But as they say in show business, the show must go on and next year they will get more attention (also I will do a bit of reading up and asking fellow allotment holders for advice.) and hopefully have a better harvest of Brassicas.

Also today I started planning for the new season what’s going to go where and what contraptions I can build to make life that much better at plot 58. The plot itself is not yet boxed in as that seems to be the “thing to do” down my way but trying to come up with a cheap or free sustainable way is not easy!
Anyway enough of me babbling on have a good new year and see you in 2012!


  1. You are not on your own - my sprouts are only the size of marbles - disaster!

  2. Sprouts are heavy feeder - did you feed them. Also check the roots to see if they are healthy as we have club root on our plot which can cause the sprout plants to fail after a good start.

    I did write about this on my blog a while ago on 6 December
