Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Cavalo Nero with a twist....

Today I managed to get down to the plot again as I need to get the paths sorted before the new season is upon us, I was taking a well-earned Tea break when my mind started wandering and I was thinking to myself “that Cavolo Nero needs using up before it becomes Percy food (Percy is My daughters Duch Rabbit) or even Hefty’s and Hilda’s mid-week special snack. When I came up with a great idea for it, so when I was finished up the plot for the day I grabbed myself a good bunch and headed home.
Cavolo Nero pesto with Walnuts
This is how I made it:

A good bunch of Cavolo Nero (5-6 large leaves)
2 Garlic cloves
5-6 walnut half’s (toasted)
50g Parmesan Cheese (or supplement for Pecorino if Veggie)
Salt & pepper
Olive oil

First I toasted my walnuts, and then put aside to cool. Then I blanched my Nero in boiling salted water for 40seconds no more then removed from heat and refreshed under cold water and squeezed all the water out. Then in a food processor I added the Nero and the walnuts and blitz until it was a course chop then added the garlic and parmesan then blitz until a smooth paste. Add the olive oil to create a smooth paste (about 2-3 tablespoons).
This can now be kept in the fridge for about 2-3 weeks until you need it. I simply cooked some pasta and tossed it through and added myself some protein (veggies need not)
I can confirm it was VERY tasty and what a different way to use your Cavalo Nero. 


  1. Sounds tasty!! A great idea.

  2. Will pick a load on Saturday and give this a try - it does sound really good and very simple too. Will let you know how I get on!

  3. I've never seen Cavalo Nero in Japan. It's like basil paste? Looks delicious!

    1. Hi Keity, Yes essentaily its like Basil paste, but its not as sweet or Aromatic as Basil, its got more of an Earthy taste to it its abit like spinach, thats why I added the Walnuts to give abit more natural sweetness. thanks for commenting

  4. Great blog and very interesting . Love the cooking dvice.

    Keep it up.


  5. That sounds like a lovely way to use kale. If only I can protect my seedlings from the slugs (this is my second sowing this year the slugs ate the first lot) and I will give it a try. Have you tried pesto made with broccoli? I use the basic basil pesto recipe and add some cooked and cooled broccoli to the mix, it purees nicely and tastes great.

  6. that sounds interesting might have to give that a bash.

  7. Enjoyed my visit to your blog. Always trying to find others who help my interest in gardening from other places on the globe. Liked yours. Jack

  8. That looks delicious, I've never tried making pesto with Cavolo Nero though, I'll give it a go when I grow some next year.

    I love any kind of pesto with pasta, it's especially good dotted through pasta bakes with goats cheese. you've made me hungry and it's hours til lunch!!

    Sue xx

  9. This looks tasty!

    Have grown Cavolo Nero for the first time this year, really enjoyed eating it. Delicious stuff. Will be trying this recipe for sure.
