Thursday, 19 January 2012

Seed Vs Set's

This year I have had a go a growing onions from seed, I have never done this before I have always gone down the route  of sets and put them in end of march beginning of April, but now I have the allotment I thought I would give seed onions ago as in the long run will be cheaper. I have read a lot off for and against sowing from seed but the only true way I will ever find out I believe Is to do it for myself and see.
I will also grow some sets but only one variety as yet to be decided and I may choose a Red onion as I love onion in salads but the onion form seed I have chosen is F1 Santero mainly because last year I had Downy Mildew and this variety is resistant to it I sowed the seed last Monday and it has now over the last 24 hours started to show. So I suppose the season has begun for me this is the earliest that I have ever sown seeds as I normally wait till march before I start but now I have the Allotment this will all change I suppose .

Along with my potato experiment this year I will also run a seed Vs Set test and this will hopefully aid me in the future to decide seed or set.

I didn’t know that this was quite a “hot topic” in gardening circles and which side you sit Seed or Set  but I believe in the wise words of Harry Hill…………..”well I like seed onions but I also like set onions hhmmmm there’s only one way to sort this…………..FIGHT!”


  1. Good luck with the onion seeds. I always found that my onions from seed seemed to run to seed more than the ones grown from sets. I'll be interested to follow their progress and see how you get on.

  2. yes thats the feedback i get form people on my plot about them

  3. I used to grow from seed but it takes so bloomin long so I will stick to sets - good luck - it will be interesting to see how you get on

  4. Hi Stacy! We shall be interested to see how you do with the Onion Seeds. We tried once but failed miserably. Good luck :)

  5. WE've always grow sets as to be honest we don't have much luck growing spring onions - they seem so slow!

  6. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I'm growing onions from seed for the first time this year, I usually grow from sets. I've never grown red onions but I might do a few from sets this year, and I shall also grow shallots from sets. I've gone for Bedfordshire Champion as these were the only variety in the Wyevale sale. I get most of my seeds in the sale, they reduce everything down to 50p per packet. I've just been reading back through your blog and enjoyed reading about your chickens. They look very friendly.

  7. I shall be going for sets, because the allotment is still a field, and ... well, frankly, I've got so many things to do I can't see onion seed getting a look in.

  8. I read your post about your "Field" and brought back memorys of last march for me my plot to was a field. but we managed to get the council to get it ploughed for us I just dug out the lumps of grass and put them in a pile to turn into loam.
    good luck with your plot!

  9. I have also debated sets vs seed. Bought seed this year but didn't start them early enough so bought a set too. I will be interested to see how your experiment goes.
