Wednesday, 23 November 2011

May to Septermber

so after some hard work the plot is taking shape, and my recycle and re-claim is working nicley, got a shed form a friend for nothing and just needed a little TLC and a coat of paint.4
i was loving the bolloti beans that i sowed from my neighbours seeds they gave me last year and what a crop it was becoming.

also the cabbages were looking good but found that i had to net as the bugs were loving them!
so to try to bing you up to speed were now in September and the christmas spuds are in and the crops have been great the leeks are lush and green and i have never tasted anything like them!


  1. You had a beautiful garden!
    After reading "barking mad", I didn't realize how nice it actually was!
    Mine died, due to the drought... I had lots of flowers n butterflies, but no food...
