Monday, 5 March 2012

Seed update...

Just to give you an update on the seeds sown, the leeks are doing well and look good the tomatoes are romping away and at this rate they will be fruiting in May!  My parsley & aubergines are doing well although the aubergines haven’t really grown an awful lot.

My spuds are chitting nicely and should be ready in a few weeks. The parsnips that I have grown in cells are doing very well and got over 95% germination from them which is very pleasing but I am going to sow some direct in the ground at the plot too just for a comparison.

The broad beans however seem to be rotting off after a nice start I would say I have lost about 40%.

And finally the cauliflower and the Cabbage sown last Thursday are already showing signs and I recon tomorrow some will be up.


  1. It's all systems go isn't it.

    None of my seeds have germinated yet but then again I only sown them 3 days ago. Time will come.


  2. Our broad beans have just been sown in pots so signs as yet - there's still time to try again.

  3. You've got far more seeds started than I have, though I want to get my leeks sown soon.
