Tuesday, 20 March 2012

what would your Choice be?

Today I potted on my tomatoes as my 3 year old decided wile daddy was at work she would look after them for me and water them LOTS like she did my onions! (And we all know how that ended up!)They were very wet indeed and starting to show signs of over watering so fingers crossed I got to them in time.
The sowing season has really kicked into gear now and almost all blogs that I read have had some mention to it in some way or another, but what if you could only grow one type of vegetable what would it be? And why?
There is such a vast choice in catalogues these days and new variety’s resistant to almost everything appearing year on year which is like candy to a baby with us gardeners we always want to try new things and this enviably leads to it being added to the long list of veg we try to grow each year on our allotments
But if you could only pick one? Well this is such a big question and one that I have given a lot of thought to and for me it has to be…………………..

plain and simple couldn’t do without them I think the chef in me made the decision not the gardener because you just can’t beat the taste of a freshly picked tomato, that joy you get from the first tomato of the season the warmth you get when you put it in your mouth then it explodes and sends your taste buds wild that can’t be replicated by supermarkets.  There is also a tinge of sadness when you pick the last tomatoes of the season then realise you will have to live off supermarket tomatoes for the winter.
It is such a versatile vegetable it can be eaten cooked or raw there are so many things you can do with a tomato soup and sauces right down to having it as the main part of your meal. And the choice well there must be hundreds of different variety’s Plum, cherry, Yellow, black and the simple salad tomato I could spend all day listing them all.
Sweetcorn was a close second because no matter how hard you try you just can buy sweetcorn that tastes as good as home grown.  In my opinion it’s down to the fact that they are picked and then in the pot within a few hours. Also now a days the price, today I noticed that in Tesco they were £2.99 for 4 cobs that just robbery!

Let me know what vegetable you could not do without and why.


  1. Beets and sweetcorn for me, I hardly ever see fresh beets for sale in supermarkets and I can't stand seeing those awful vaccum sealed beets that they do offer. Ugh!

    1. I completley fogot about beets, your right you cant "beet" the taste!

  2. For me it would have to be chillies or garlic - we use loads in our cooking and they're relatively expensive to be buying every week. I know you said two but I just can't pick one over the other...

  3. I grow loads of Garlic and loads of Tomatoes and I eat tons of Garlic and tons of Tomatoes...You can not buy a Tomato with flavor at the market and Garlic is just yummmm.

  4. Difficult choice to make it would be between early potatoes, runners or toms - but I thinks toms I couldn't do without.

    1. early potatoes are so good that taste f the first spud of the season Mmmmmm

  5. That is a tough question - tomatoes if it were only about flavour, and snow peas if it were about just all round better than anything you can buy ion the shops.

  6. It would have to be tomatoes for me too. I don't consider the growing season started until I've got my tomato seeds sown, which hasn't happened yet. There's so much choice in varities of tomato, and shop bought just don't compare to the taste of home grown.

  7. Now I could easily change my mind on this one if asked another day. But I don't think you can beat home grown carrots. The bought varieties have no flavour at all. Please don't make me only grow one type of veg though - that would be terrible!

  8. Parsnips, because when a man with a rifle meets a man with a parsnip, the man with the parsnip wins!

  9. Definitely Potatoes. Why? - They are so versatile and after they are sown & earthed up I could sit outside my shed in the sun, with nothing to do while they develop. Oh yes and they don't smell of Garlic.
