Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Frozen in time,waiting for the sun.....

I must start with an a apology, I haven’t blogged as much the last few weeks, I am in the process of moving jobs, to a much larger kitchen within the same company and this is putting a big demand on me at present so my allotment time has been short and sweet.

But that said all its done is rain, rain, rain and when we did get a spell of good weather like over the weekend just gone I was working!! Typical.

I have so many tender plants sitting in the green house and cold frames waiting to go in up the allotment but the temperatures haven’t been warm enough to risk planning them out, I don’t want to lose any of my plants they are all looking really healthy and strong.

Today is my only chance I think I will get to get down the allotment but as I type it’s starting to spit with rain outside and the forecast for later is rain so I may not get the chance anyway.

It’s been a very frustrating year so far for the allotment march promised so much but all downhill from there. I have never know a May as cold as what we are having at present, nothing wants to grow most plants seem “frozen in time” ready to burst into life at the first sign of sun.  so lets all hope that it shows its face sometime soon!


  1. I can totally sympathise. I missed my opportunity to visit the allotment in the good weather at the weekend too due to other commitments. Your plants are looking lovely and healthy though, all ready for the temperatures to pick up.

    1. thanks jo :-) lets hope it picks up soon.

  2. At least we manage to take advantage of breaks in the awful weather. I know how frustrating it can be when the only time you have it's raining!

  3. Hi Stacy
    I can sympathise with you but you are better waiting on this cold wet spell to pass before you plant out your veg. My own greenhouse is bursting at the seams as are those in all the gardens I look after - but better in the greenhouse than outside at the moment. It is jst too cold at night - we had -2 last week and this week it has been as low as 0 in the greenhouse!! Patience is a virtue - and past experience has taught me that Mother Nature has a way of catching up with herseld most yeas :)

    1. The temperatures at night have indeed been very low

  4. I know exactly how you are feeling, it has been a really frustrating spring. Like you say May has been so cold, the plants are in suspended animation after the early boost in March. Its been slightly better here in the last couple of weeks with more sunshine in between the heavy showers so I've noticed the plants are growing again. My mini greenhouses are also bursted with plants and lots of moving things around trying to harden things off. But I'm sure things will catch up.

  5. Sorry for the late reply. Exactly my sentiments. you expressed in your post. The sunshine is back this week though. At least the water butts are full??
