Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Squashes, Wigwams & Raspberries

WOW. What a difference a week makes, this time last week it was chucking it down with temperatures of 10°C this week it’s in the high 20’s and with a prolonged spell too, so I made the most of it and planted out the squashes and courgettes, this year I am growing 3 types of squashes (check out my planting plan for the variety’s) the butternut squash I am going to have a go of growing it up a wigwam I am using the large branches from my eucalyptus I felled back in march. They look pretty good I think.

I am not going mad on courgettes this year only planting 4 plants 2 yellow and 2 green, last year I planted 10 plants and well to say I had a glut would be an under estimation I could have kept the whole of Essex supplied with them!

I have now moved the last of the veggies stored in the house out into the cold frames to harden off in readiness for a mass planting session next week.

Highlight of the week on the plot is by far the raspberry’s they are looking really healthy =, better start thinking about covering them up before the birds get hold of them.

It’s amazing what a few days of sun can do  to a plant the growth put on in just 2 days is staggering.

We’ll have a good week folks and make use of this fine weather.  


  1. Next thing we'll be saying it's too hot to garden!

  2. It's great that the fine weather is finally here. The only problem now is that the weeds have taken over and they all need to be removed before I can plant anything else.

  3. I think i will be weeding all weekend...
    but I did manage to get all the raspberries tied into rows this week in stolen minutes,
    the weathernis great!
    Keep us advised on the butternuts... I had not thought of growing them up tripods

    1. sylvsn,I have never grown them up a wigwam before but i read about it and gives you a bit more space to plant. will let you know how it goes :-)
